Joy Oh joy I found you there Covered in the slime of slaughtered innocence Boy Oh boy Your shaven hairs Gathered in nests down inside the air vents But what if I'm dreaming awake of your presence What if your web caught me in Maybe all light has been drained off my countenance Innocence traded for Sin I've got no delight No inspiration burning inside It's him Who burns black as night There's no other thought in my mind Joy Oh joy My fate to bear Captured in the snare of serendipity Boy Oh boy Your searing stare Calcinates what virtue I have left in me But what if I'm dreaming awake of your presence What if your web caught me in Maybe all light has been drained off my countenance Innocence traded for Sin I've got no delight No inspiration burning inside It's him Who burns black as night There's no other thought in my Sin I've got no delight No inspiration burning inside It's him Who burns black as night There's no other thought in my mind