この曲は失恋の歌ですが、失恋や愛そのものを歌詞から消し去り、サウンド側だけに移す実験です。つまり、暗喩(暗示)で表現する実験です。SUNOにも失恋ソングである事のヒントは与えません。AIは歌詞から何を読み取るか?SUNOはある程度、歌詞の内容にそったサウンドを生成するので、読み取った事がサウンドに現れるはず。 暗喩(暗示)の方法: 主人公: 歌詞は主人公の視点ですが、意識や思考の象徴。 家: 主人公の本体はこっち。部屋が心、主人公のそのもの。家は動けない。 秘密の部屋: 自分の心の中に恋人を住まわせる為の部屋。 地下室: 主人公だけが入れる、心の奥底。常に施錠。 鍵: 内省的の象徴。外部からの干渉の拒絶。虚弱な心を守る武器。 歌詞の拘りポイント: 私は「誰も座ってない小さなソファー。秘密の部屋に鍵をかけた。」これを歌詞の隠された意味にたどり着く為の鍵とした。Hookは「閉じられた空の部屋」と、表現を変える事により、他の歌詞と時間軸の分断をはかり、全体が回想である事を示す。そして、タイトルの「部屋と鍵」。つまり、リスナーが「鍵」を使うと、「主人公の失恋の回想、逃避による停滞、心の中に誰もいなくなってしまった喪失感、その想いを引きずっている部屋(心)」の情景をリスナーが覗いている事になる様に、歌詞を組み立てた。 プロンプト: このプロンプトはほぼ安定してフォーク風になります。弾き語りを連想させる指示なので、変では無いですけどね。内省的である事の以外は、感情を示す言葉も雰囲気を示す言葉もなく、ただゆっくりと感情的と指示しています。 読んでくれてありがとう😊 --- English --- This song is about heartbreak, but it is an experiment to remove the heartbreak and love itself from the lyrics and transfer it only to the sound. In other words, it is an experiment to express it with metaphor (implication). SUNO is not given any hint that it is a heartbreak song. What will the AI ​​read from the lyrics? SUNO generates sounds that are somewhat in line with the content of the lyrics, so what it reads should appear in the sound. Metaphor (implication) methods: Main character: The lyrics are from the main character's point of view, but they are a symbol of consciousness and thoughts. House: This is the main character's true body. The room is his heart, the main character himself. The house cannot move. Secret room: A room for him to let his lover live in his heart. Basement: The depths of his heart that only the main character can enter. Always locked. Key: A symbol of introspection. A rejection of outside interference. A weapon to protect a fragile heart. Lyrics points: I used "A small sofa with no one sitting on it. I locked the secret room." as the key to reach the hidden meaning of the lyrics. By changing the expression of the hook to "a closed, empty room," I tried to separate the timeline from the other lyrics and show that the whole song is a flashback. And the title "Room and Key." In other words, I constructed the lyrics so that when the listener uses the "key," they will be able to peek into the scene of "the protagonist's flashback to a broken heart, the stagnation caused by escaping, the sense of loss that there is no one in his heart anymore, and the room (heart) that is dragging those feelings." Prompt: This prompt is almost always folk-like. It's not strange because it's an instruction that evokes singing and playing the guitar. Other than being introspective, there are no words that indicate emotion or atmosphere, and it just instructs to be slow and emotional. Thank you for reading 😊 --- Lyrics --- english ver Is after this [Japanese Folk music kick-in - [coffee-like male singer]] [[use humming word uhm or lengthen vowels for syllable adjustment.]] 僕の家、秘密の部屋 ぽつんと置かれた 小さなソファー それだけの部屋 うん、あまり行かない 地下室もあるんだ 暗くて危ないから 鍵をかけているよ [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... 街は少し賑やかだから 僕はこの家が好きで 好きな音楽を聴いて 好きな本を読む 時間はゆっくりと流れ コーヒーの香りが 僕の鼻をくすぐり 心地よい、僕の家 [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... 秘密の部屋 小さなソファー 今はもう、誰も座っていない 僕は今日、この部屋に 鍵をかける、懐かしむ様に 鍵をかけた...そう、鍵をかけた... [Whistling solo] 僕はひさしぶりに 外の空気を吸いこむ 輝く太陽、賑やかな街 僕には少し眩しい... うん、ひやけする前に 家に帰ろう、僕の家に... ポケットの中の鍵束 この冷たさが気持ちいい [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... あぁ、早く帰ろう、僕の家に 居心地のよい、小さな家に あぁ、早く帰ろう、僕の家に 鍵を握りしめて...さぁ帰ろう [Outro - [Aftertaste with overlaped lead singer and choir.]] aaa... ooooo......(aaa...) ....aa..aa..oooo..(ooo...) .......aaaaa..aa...(aaa...) ...........aaaa........(ooo...) --- Translate English Lyrics --- [Japanese folk music kick-in - [coffee-like male singer]] [[use humming word uhm or lengthen vowels for syllable adjustment.]] My house, a secret room A small sofa placed alone That's all there is to it Yeah, I don't go there often There's also a basement It's dark and dangerous, so I keep it locked [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... The town is a little lively I like this house Listen to my favorite music Read my favorite book Time passes slowly The smell of coffee tickles my nose My comfortable house [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... A secret room, a small sofa Now, no one sits there Today, I locked this room Looking nostalgically I locked it... Yes, I locked it... [Whistling solo] It's been a while since I've breathed in the outside air. The bright sun, the bustling city, it's a little dazzling to me... Yeah, before I get sunburned, let's go home, to my house... The bunch of keys in my pocket, this coldness feels good [Hook] Close... Closed Empty Room... uhm... Ah, let's go home quickly, to my house. To my cozy, little house. Ah, let's go home quickly, to my house. I'll hold the keys tight... let's go home [Outro - [Aftertaste with overlapped lead singer and choir.]] aaa... ooooo......(aaa...) ....aa..aa..oooo..(ooo...) .......aaaaa..aa...(aaa...) ...........aaaa........(ooo...)



Arash.Ash 2w ago



Excavator 2w ago



裴芸 2w ago



Excavator 2w ago



竜宮式 3w ago



Excavator 2w ago


Alex Curly

Alex Curly 3w ago

My dear friend, I completely agree—each genre has its own unique way of expressing emotion and energy, and sometimes, when they break the rules, that’s when something truly special is born. I’m open to any music genre, especially when it’s made as beautifully as you do it and carries strong messages like your music always does. No matter the style, as long as it’s real and full of meaning, I’ll always appreciate and support it.


rabbit_baron 3w ago



Excavator 3w ago


Alex Curly

Alex Curly 3w ago

This is such a beautifully layered piece. The way you’ve stripped away direct emotions and let the heartbreak seep through the metaphors is absolutely genius. The ‘locked room,’ the cold keys, the quiet nostalgia—it all speaks louder than words. I love how the music itself carries the weight of what’s unspoken, making the emotion something you feel rather than just hear. A truly masterful approach. Thank you for sharing this incredible experiment!


Excavator 3w ago

Thank you, Alex. I think that music genres are strongly diversified by their commitment to expression. Punk has its own expression, and folk has its own expression. And sometimes they break that theory and evolve into a new genre. It's selfish of me, but maybe I want people to know the characteristics of various music genres well. I love your punk because I feel it's a punk-like expression. So, if you start to explore new expressions, I want to support that too.


PuffinsAreCoolToo 3w ago



Excavator 3w ago

I'm glad you like this! Thank you 😊🙏🏼


裴芸 3w ago

So perfect! 🎶


Excavator 3w ago

裴芸, thankyou😊🙏🏼


FOX UDON 3w ago



Excavator 3w ago



Akiko 3w ago

Excavator, I hope U’re doing wel. U are really an artist, I had listened without looking at sur explanation, and I immediately understood Ur intentions. The composition is so light almost floating U managed to talk about a broken heart without saying a word about it it's just great. I felt really empathetic with Ur character and I wanted to help him in his introspection even if it has to be done alone most of the time. Thank U for delighting me so much with your music. See U next time! 🤗💕


Excavator 3w ago

Akiko, I am very happy and thankful that you shared your feelings with me in detail. You read all my intentions, touched the innermost heart of the man in the lyrics, and tried to give him love. Your kindness will ease his suffering and he will be able to move forward. Thank you so much, my friend.✨❤️🙏🏼


桜子 3w ago



Excavator 3w ago


G Chill

G Chill 3w ago

Bittersweet song that is so chill and love the outro aftertaste!


Excavator 3w ago

G Chill, I really appreciate your feedback! I imagined the protagonist of this song as a guy who doesn't show his pain, and aimed for something with a bit of bittersweetness. I'm so glad that you got that. Thank you for your continued support, my friend!😊🙏🏼


Excavator 3w ago

たまには日本語で曲を作ってみようかなと思いました。I thought I'd try making a song in Japanese once in a while.

00:00 / 02:41