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October 27, 2024 at 8:37 PMv3.5

[lyrics by Andrew Buller, tune by - created in Canterbury, Kent - 27/10/24] [short instrumental] burn (burn) burn (burn) welcome to the fires the confessional fires are you sitting comfortably? [short instrumental] is there a particular day of the year for the burning of ants? like the glorious twelfth, ash wednesday, halloween? remembrance, columbus, valentine? bonfire, bastille, burns night by day? independence? [short instrumental] burn (burn) burn (burn) welcome to the fires the confessional fires are you sitting comfortably? [short instrumental] an obsessional check of the weather reports the shipping forecast, astrological charts a cloudless sky, no chance of rain and a high, heady sun that burns all the hotter with less ozone to blame a duty to curb the rise of the secretive unquantifiable civilisations that lurk beneath doors [short instrumental] burn (burn) burn (burn) welcome to the fires the confessional fires are you sitting comfortably? [short instrumental] magnifier in hand for a detailed study of head thorax abdomen find a specimen currently without defect a biological exploration into live cremation [short instrumental] little passover lambs on their way to the altar a scurrying smoulder and rising aroma pleasing to the lord of the manner, in which I've repented, right here? [short instrumental] or am I, that ant transfixed within his inscrutable gaze so close to the smoulder? [short instrumental] burn (burn) burn (burn) welcome to the fires the confessional fires are you sitting comfortably? [short instrumental] the management would like to draw your attention to the following no ants were harmed in the making of this song and any that were would be dead by now anyway please ask the magnifying owner's permission before use avoid reading in direct sunlight the starting of fires in public spaces is dissuaded impressionable minds must be supervised at all times the author accepts no loss or damage from reading burn (burn) burn (burn) burn