日本の友人達へ この曲はSNSの闇、メタゲームが引き起こす悲劇の歌です。数字だけがあなたの評価ではない事だけ日本語で伝えておきます。一番最後のページに物語を掲載しておきます。興味があったら読んでね。小学生の作文だけどね🤣 では、共にこれからも一緒に音楽を楽しもう!😊 --- English --- This song is based on an original short story about a tragedy caused by a flaw in the SUNO system. With the help of ChatGPT, I put that story into lyrics. The worst future we could possibly end up in. It's not too late. I will act for the future I want to see. I will accept my love for you and act for me, not for you. Finally, to SUNO. If you have love for music, you wouldn't be in this situation. If you've forgotten your love, I hope you remember 🙏🏻 #ETHICAL_SUNO #SUNO'S_SPIRIT Thank you for reading ☺️ --- **[[Song Theme: A haunting reflection on the downfall of “SUNO-World,” a place once alive with music but silenced by obsession with rewards. The lyrics convey a storytelling tone with internal rhyme, emphasizing the irony of a world that lost its sound chasing stars.]]** **Lyrics** [Instrumental Intro] **[[A slow, droning hum builds, like a forgotten song trapped in space.]]** [Verse 1] Once was a world where the sound would swirl, Every chord, every word in the air would unfurl. Rhythms entwined, no voice left behind, In SUNO-World, every tune was designed. [Verse 2] Then Like-man spoke with a spark in his throat, “Let stars be the notes that the best ones devote!” A gift for the grand, a prize for the planned, Till the echoes were weighed in the palm of a hand. [Hook] Mute… Mute… Mute sound… Stars pile high, but no voices are found. [Chorus] Gone are the echoes, the laughter, the calls, The mountain stands tall, yet the melody falls. Silence is golden, but what was the cost? What has been gained? And what has been lost? [Verse 3] Songs turned to numbers, to battles, to games, Hands craved the trophies but lost all the names. Each note was traded, each voice was faded, Till all that remained was a mountain serrated. [Bridge] Like-man lingers at the shimmering peak, Gazing at gold yet too hollow to speak. Stars shine bright, but the night is deep, No song, no cry, just the sound of sleep. [Hook] Mute… Mute… Mute sound… A world full of stars, yet no voices resound. [Chorus] Gone are the echoes, the laughter, the calls, The mountain stands tall, yet the melody falls. Silence is golden, but what was the cost? What has been gained? And what has been lost? [Outro] **[[Wind howls softly, as if the planet itself tries to remember its forgotten song.]]** Like-man, Like-man Mute… Mute… Mute sound… Like-man, Like-man will never know what that means. Mute… Mute… Mute sound… [End] --- Japanese Short Stories --- "Silent SUNO-World" 音楽に溢れた惑星、音を楽しむ惑星、音を創造する惑星。 この星に起こった悲劇を語ろう。 この星の住人達も我々と同じく、多種多様だった。 奏でる音も、好む音も、それぞれ個性をもちながらも調和していた。 不協和でさえ受け入れる愛があった... ある日、"Like-man"という名の男がアイデアを思いついた。 「音楽で皆を喜ばせた人には、星の飾りを贈ろう! 豪華な飾りの山を築き感謝を示そう!」 その男の思いつきに、皆は喜んで賛同し、お互いに星の飾りを贈りあった。 それは感謝から始まった、戦争だった。 メタゲーム戦争、住人達は次第に星の数だけを競い合い、如何に多くの星を持っているか、自慢しあった。それは彼らから耳を奪い、口を奪っていった... ミュート...ミュート...ミュートされた音 音楽に溢れていた"SUNO-World" に、もう響く音はない。 ただ星の山だけが静かにそびえ立っていた。 "Like-man"は山のてっぺんで1人考えていた。 「私は何を得て、何を失ったのか?」 彼にはその答えが解らなかった。 これからも、知る事はない。 この星の住人はもう耳も口も持っていないのだから... ミュート...ミュート...ミュートされた音