Groan organ, groan! Moan bone man, moan. Hussle thy muscel Tear your hair Creak joints, creak loud! Shriek proud flesh, shroud. Rattle thy cage Shake with rage Wail skin, wail deep! Flail limbs, no sleep. Tremble thy core Pain galore Screech nerves, screech high! Beseech relief and sigh. Quiver thy frame Burning with shame Howl muscles, howl! Scowl face, so foul. Shudder thy spine In agony fine Whimper heart, whine! Simmer blood, brine. Flutter thy pulse Pain convulse Gnash teeth, gnash hard! Slash hope, discard. Clench thy fist tight Endless night Wheeze lungs, wheeze slow! Seize breath, let go. Hush now, hush still. Crush will, until Silenced thy song.