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March 13, 2025 at 6:51 PMv3.5

The enemy approaches. I see them on the field. What they do not know is that God will never yield. The battalion of the Lord is ready for the fight. The Priesthood of our King is wielding swords of light. The battle started long ago in realms above, it's true. It started over agency, a choice for me and you. Rebellion pushed for tyranny and promised all be saved, but force just leads to slavery and one big common grave. We fight for freedom, we fight for peace, we fight for love and those in need. We challenge all who would silence choice...we raise God's banner in one strong voice. A thousand years of peace is waiting just ahead. I want it more than even life itself. For ancestors and progeny, I fight for all that's right. When all is done, my God is still my help. We fight for freedom. We fight for peace. We fight for love and happiness indeed. We hear his voice, we heed his word. We will have victory in our Lord. We hear his voice, we heed his word. We will have our Lord.