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March 21, 2025 at 12:53 AMv4

I'm sorry you've reached a number that has been disconnected please hang up and try your call again But if you do - i ain't gonna answer why don't you leave a voicemail instead? that way i can physically delete every single little word that you said You keep calling back you must love that dial tone it's as close as you're gonna get to me for the last time, just leave- me- ALONE!! Whatever it is you gotta say I've heard it all before oh great, another fake apology WHAT!?- is there something more? Well- don't care- it ain't my problem it ain't got nothin' to do with me can't you take a hint? or you got nothing to do but be Annoying as duck do i need a restraining order? you give me all the yuck your voice is the same thing as torture I know that you think you know better you think you're too hot for a sweater why don't you mail me a letter that way i can put it in the shredder -Now you got it bad and you're crashing BOO HOO!! but there's no conversation worth having WITH YOU! Hang up and try again i'm gonna hit ignore if you still think you're my friend you don't know what i got in store The number you have reached- can't stand you! the number you have reached- got better things to do! the number you have reached- could come to the phone but the number you have reached- says leave me alone!

00:00 / 03:06