[Verse 1] Wait, what are you doing here? You don’t have that much time. Your safety is something I fear. You really need to leave, I’m perfectly fine. [Verse 2] Why are you still standing there? Go! He’s coming for me, you too if he sees you though. You’re pure, yet you’re human, I admire that, friend. I But CatNap doesn’t give a hoot; he’s just tryna deliver your end. [Bridge 1] He’s turned my Critters against me! He’s obsessed with being my enemy! But he doesn’t even sing the, Theme song accurately! [Bridge 2] It’s him, he’s the Critters, don’t let them touch you. It’s too late for me, I’m fine. Move on, it’s cool. [Glitchy] I feel the moon destroying the blissful sun. The only thing I advise is for you tooo… RUN! [Music Pause] (Put you in a Deep Sleep!) (Better not hear a peep!) [Music Pause] [One Shot] BEAT NINJA MUSIC! [Chorus] [Singing Beautifully] Ah, we finally meet face to face, Well… muzzle to muzzle in DogDay’s case. It’s a Cat Eat Dog World in here, buddy. You really thought you were finished with Huggy? Are you scared of me? You shouldn’t be. You haven’t even seen the real thing. I’m not a mutt, I’m a cat being. You all call me CatNap in your rat dreams. The Smiling Critters couldn’t tell love from hate. So, I had to lure you here with a little doggy bait. And you know what? Since this is your Big 3, I won’t even begin to mention my protege Yarnaby. When I tell you this, Player, you’re gonna have a laugh, DogDay was just jealous of every little thing I have. That’s why I cut that sorry hound dog into two halves. Just think about it like this, when you’re a ghost, this’ll be an iconic chase scene. Hey! Where are you going?! Come back! Please, I wasn’t asking you to be mean! [END]