Song Cover Image
March 9, 2025 at 8:50 AMv4

[Vibe - soulful euphoria] [Intro - Warm smooth Atmosphere] [Pads - Bright Juno-style chords (Gmaj7 → Dmaj7)] [Drums - Shuffled 2-step breakbeat, soft snare rolls] [vocals - Dreamy, chromatic, Meloncholic] Can you feel it? Tell me. . . Can you feel it in the air? Something's there. . . [Verse 1 - soulful indie rock Groove] [Bass - Warm deep wire bassline (syncopated rhythm)] [Keys - Rhodes piano riff (G major pentatonic) with light phaser] [Drums - Crisp kick/snare, tambourine accents] [Build - Rising Energy] [Synth - Arpeggiated pluck melody (Em → Cmaj9)] [vocals - dreamy, modal modulated, meloncholic] Every little thing you do. . . Makes my heart beat for you. . . I've never felt so high. . . why would you say goodbye? [Drop - Liquid Euphoria] [Drums - Full "Amen" break chopped for swing, punchy kick/snare] [Bass - Sub-bass with mid-range Reese growl (sidechain to kick)] [Lead - Detuned synth melody (G major → B minor for contrast)] [Pads - Swelling strings (Dmaj9 → Gmaj7) with Valhalla reverb] [Breakdown - Soul Interlude] [Keys - Wurlitzer solo (bluesy licks in G major)] [Drums - Half-time kick/snare, filtered breakbeat] [chorus - dreamy, meloncholic] Baby. . . We could just take it slow There's no need to rush There's no need to rush. . . 'Cause I see you and I feel you And I And I need you And I love you. . . And I. . . [Second Drop - Melodic Climax] [Drums - Double-time Amen break + clap fills] [Synth - Euphoric supersaw chords (G → Em → C)] [Bass - Layered warm sine/sub-bass + mid-range wobble] [chorus - dreamy, fading, meloncholic] Baby There's no need to rush There's no need to rush. . . 'Cause eye see you And eye feel you And eye. . . And eye need you And eye love you And eye. . . [Outro - Sunset Fade] [Pads - Juno chords sustained, high-pass filtered] [SFX - Tape stop, distant ocean waves]

00:00 / 03:13