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November 21, 2024 at 3:24 AMv4
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[Hook] How can we tell moron from intellectual ? [Break] [Verse] An ignoramus is an extremely ignorant person. Synonyms include simpleton, know-nothing, dunce, fool. [Break] [Verse] A cretin is a very stupid or contemptible person. Synomyms include fool, idiot, imbecile, moron. [Break] [Hook] How can we tell moron from intellectual when we are rapidly devolving? [Break] [Verse] A nincompoop is a fool or simpleton. Synomyms include ass, blockhead, boob, clod, dolt, fool, imbecile, jerk, lummox, moron, nitwit, simpleton. [Break] [Hook] How can we tell moron from intellectual while we are programmed by an anti-intellectual society and powerful new technologies THAT BREAK THE MIND? [Break] [Verse] An imbecile is a mentally feeble person, or a person lacking mental capacity. Synomyms include stupid, silly, absurd, weak, feeble. [Chorus] So many more stupid people on Earth than smart people! Humans should not allow feeble-minded folks to run society.! [Hook] How can we tell moron from intellectual when we are rapidly devolving to simpletons as a result of an anti-intellectual society and powerful new technologies that break the mind?