[lyrics by Andrew Buller, tune by suno.com - created in Canterbury, Kent - 5/1/25] [short instrumental] [intro] tender, o tender, o tenderness tender, o tender, o tenderness o harsh and hurting and grieving world o how it needs your tenderness our tenderness [spoken] how often I have wanted to gather you as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings [short instrumental] [chorus] tender, o tender o ten finger tender count all the ways we can be tender and tend to her (tend to her) she's so worthy, so precious such a beautiful princess a child of God and therefore priceless in need of our tenderness we're all in need of tenderness [short instrumental] [verse 1] tender is the delicate, here for you, touch tender is the gentle smile that means so much tender is the thoughtful, encouraging word tender is the heart always willing to be heard tender is the breath that whispers to you 'I see you, I'm with you, I love you' [short instrumental] [chorus] tender, o tender o ten finger tender count all the ways we can be tender and tend to her (tend to her) she's so worthy, so precious such a beautiful princess a child of God and therefore priceless in need of our tenderness we're all in need of tenderness [short instrumental] [verse 2] tender are our warm, teddy bear hugs and our steaming, marshmallowed hot chocolate mugs tender is the crafting of a blackbird's nest and the soft, reassurance of a mother's breast tender are the bleats of each newborn lamb and the white, fluffy clouds that cuddle our lands tender are the pastel pink roses you grow because you know they're her favourite you know, you know [short instrumental] [chorus] tender, o tender o ten finger tender count all the ways we can be tender and tend to her (tend to her) she's so worthy, so precious such a beautiful princess a child of God and therefore priceless in need of our tenderness we're all in need of tenderness [short instrumental] [outro] tender is the night tender is the day when I hold you when I love you this way God's way [spoken] how often I have wanted to gather you as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings