Dont take the Long break We Fit together perfect No way Wont change We're pieced together peferct Cause I scream for my Ice queen I am Warming to the Idea that you You know it breaks my heart When those eyes are red You kniw it breaks my heart Till i wish they were dead Go on and break my heart Turn around, come and see Go on and break my heart Put me at your mercy Go on and rip it apart I'll gove you the chance Go on and bloody your palms Your best color is red Dont take the Long break We Fit together perfect No way Wont change We're pieced together peferct Cause I scream for my Ice queen I am Warming to the Idea that you Could go and break my heart Got me spinning my head Unravel your arms To the promised land So you could take my heart Take all that you need Go and prod at my heart To see how much I bleed Drain out my heart Whats bled isnt dead Drain out my heart So i can get in your head Cause i scream for my Ice queen but I'm Dying on the Outside looking In