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December 8, 2024 at 10:46 PMv4

"Why don't you take a nap, Since you're so grumpy?" I said, "That doesn't sound bad." "Well then, Shut up and go to sleep!" This woman will be the death of me. She said "Ooh-ooh-ooh-ho." [Instrumental break] We were up too late last night. A marathon of our show that we like. Head off to bed, see the morning light. Oh, we were up all night together! (Up all night together) Hear my alarm. I turn it off and throw it. I start to snore in my bed!!! She pull the curtains back, Letting sunlight hit me, And says, "You're gonna be late." I say, "Shut up and let me sleep!" This woman will be the death of me. (She sings, "Ooh-ooh-hoo!") A bag of chips and some fizzy drinks. I disconnect, staring at the T V screen. Lose track of time 'til morning light I see. Oh, I was up all night binge watchin! (Up all night binge watchin')(again!) I check the time, I can't believe it's morning. I guess I'll head off to bed! She pull the curtains back, Letting sunlight hit me, And asks, "You sleepin' all day?" I say, "Shut up and let me sleep!" This woman will be the death of me. (She sings, "Ooh-ooh-hoo!") Oh, come on now. It's no surprise, I see my eyes are drooping. I compromised, And now I'm tired. I didn't stop, I needed to keep watching, I had to finish my binge!!! She pull the curtains back, Letting sunlight hit me, And says, "I'm leaving soon." I say, "Shut up and let me sleep!" This woman will be the death of me. She sings, "Ooh-ooh-hoo!" She pull the curtains back, (Get up, get up) She says, "I'm out, goodbye." (Shut up, shut up) This woman will be the death of me. "Ooh-ooh-hoo!" (Ooh-ooh-hoo) I say ā€œShut up..." "Wait, you're leaving?" Ooh-ooh-hoo, (Let me get my shoes) "shut up and let me sleep." ( I want to go. ) Ooh-ooh-hoo, (No, I'm ready. Where's my shoes?) "shut up and let me sleep." (Don't leave, I'm ready! I just need my other shoe) Ooh-ooh-hoo, (My shoes! Ok, I'm ready..." "shut up and let me sleep." Oooh-ooh-hooo (Oh, man... She's gone.)