You know my story You know my glory But the movie ends when I'm nearly forty There's more adventures That never made it to the silver screen I was hired by the US government To test their secret time machine... Hello, my name is forrest Forrest Gump And I'm flyin' thru space and time I got my kicks On a nazi helicopter I took a dump In ancient Persia I got to observe the Atom-bomb test And wear those cool protective glasses Add feel the power of the sun! I was an honored guest when they hanged Saddam Hussein I did cocaine and drank champagne With John Wayne in Ukraine then I drained my main vein on a train in Transylvania Transylvania He's Gump, he's Gump, he's Gump He gotta time machine He's Gump, he's Gump, he's Gump He's a retarded space marine I've done all the coolest shit I watched the sun set Sitting on a brontosauruses back With my neighbor Zach But then dinosaurs attacked so I flew my time-machine back But I left my neighbor Zach Ya I left my neighbor Zach I didn't go back for the dude He's Pterodactyl food Fuck 'em he's screwed Yabba dabba doo Yabba dabba doo Yabba dabba doo