[This was the most common ghost story when I was in third grade, but then it was a trucker, a teacher, and a baby checking into a haunted hotel room, with no mention of applejuice. More recent retellings have introduced applejuice. Suno's music.] [Chorus] "I'm the ghost with the one black eye .... I'm the Ghost with the One Black Eye ! I'M THE GHOST WITH THE ONE BLACK EYE!!!!" [Intro] There was sister and brother and baby. They were eating breakfast. Baby wanted his applejuice. [Verse] "Applejuice! Applejuice! Applejuice!" said the baby. "I WANT MY APPLEJUICE!" "I'll go get your applejuice", said sister. "It's down the basement." "But the basement," said brother, "is HAAAAAUNTED!" "I'm not afraid," said sister. So sister went down the basement stairs. Veeeerry slowwwwly. "Creeeeeek, crik," "Creeeeeek, crik," "CREEEEEK, crik" And then sister heard ... [Chorus] "I'm the ghost with the one black eye ..." "I'M the ghost with the One Black Eye!" "I'M THE GHOST WITH THE ONE BLACK EYE!!!!" [wrapping up sister] Well sister was so scared she ran up the stairs ran up to her room shut the door and didn't come out for a week. [Verse] "Applejuice applejuice applejuice!" cried baby. "I WANT MY APPLEJUICE!" "That's OK baby, " said brother, "I'LL get your applejuice. I'M not afraid. Even if it IS haaaaaaunted." And so the brother went down the basement stairs. (Creeeeeek, crik,) (Creeeeeek, crik,) (CREEEEEK, crik) And then brother heard .... [Chorus] "I'm the ghost with the one black eye ..." "I'M the ghost with the One Black Eye!" "I"M THE GHOST WITH THE ONE BLACK EYE!!!!' [wrapping up brother] Well brother ran up the basement stairs and out the door and we still don't know where he is. [Verse] "Applejuice applejuice applejuice!" cried baby. "I WANT MY APPLEJUICE!" "I'm going to get my own applejuice!" And so the baby went down the basement stairs. (Creek-crik-Creek-crik-Creek-crik) And then baby heard ... [Chorus] "I'm the ghost with the one black eye ..." "I'M the ghost with the One Black Eye!" "I'M THE GHOST WITH THE ONE BLACK EYE!!!!" [Wrapping up baby] And then baby shouted, "If you don't give me my applejuice You're going to be the ghost with TWO black eyes!!!!" Well that ghost was so scared, he just disappeared, POP! and was never seen again. And the baby got his applejuice and lived happily ever after.