It's hard to hold onto something you can't grasp history repeats itself when you forget about the past but it haunts you when you can't escape it forced to relive your worst moments it can be unreliable they can be undesirable your fears are indescribable person to person they're incomparable (*it can be unreliable*) unreliable (*they can be undesirable*) undesirable (*your fears are indescribable*) indescribable (*person to person they're incomparable*) incomparable it can be unbearable ohhhh fears they can be terrible there are things that are incurable and your mind can make others unrecognizable this terror can be maniacal (cause you to worry) make you easily excitable (no need to hurry) ohhhh it's undeniable (inescapable) you can't escape the wildness of your soul (don't bury and carry your feelings alone) don't live in the past (don't waste your years) oh don't ever look back (don't live in fear) cut yourself some slack (give yourself a break) realize in life that you can't ever take it back