[Intro] [Guitars play chugging power chords] [Big band horns play bold, punchy stabs] [Double bass and ride cymbal establish a swing groove] [Verse A (Swing Metal Groove)] [Drums play a swing rhythm with occasional blast beats] [Guitars play a bluesy bebop-inspired riff with palm-muted chugging] [Bass plays a walking jazz-metal fusion line] [Brass section plays offbeat stabs] [Verse B (Big Band Break)] [Guitars drop out] [Brass section plays a syncopated swing riff] [Saxophones and trumpets trade short solos] [Bass continues walking groove] [Guitar plays a bluesy chromatic melody] [Chorus (Metal Swing Fusion)] [Full band plays harmonized riff] [Drums shift between double bass pedal patterns and fast swing groove] [Bass plays a galloping rhythm] [Solo (Jazz-Metal Improv)] [Guitar plays modal jazz solo with sweeps and blues bends] [Saxophone plays a fast bebop-inspired run] [Guitar and trumpet harmonize a dual solo] [Bridge (Breakdown Swing)] [Band drops into a stripped-down swing rhythm] [Bass plays a walking solo] [Guitar comps with jazz chord voicings] [Drums build tension with snare rolls and hi-hat accents] [Final Chorus (Full Power)] [Full band plays main riff with more intensity] [Drums mix double bass aggression with jazz fills] [Band syncs into a massive unison climax] [Outro (Explosive Finish)] [Guitar holds a sustained bend] [Brass section plays a final triumphant hit] [Band suddenly stops] [Lone trumpet plays a bluesy phrase before fading to silence]

00:00 / 03:13